HSBC advert

Interpretations of home What we had to do in this task was make an advertising poster to show how different people see different things. What I chose to do was pick the word "home" as I knew people would have a different definition of home. I kept this word the same and tried to pick three different pictures which could represent what people may see as "home" In the first picture there is a living area with a television. The reason I picked this picture was people would typically associate the word "home" as a room from their house where they spend a lot of their time. The second picture is of someone hugging someone they love looking over the scenery. What this represents is that "home", to some people, is just in the arms of someone you love no matter where you are. The third picture is of a poor family in a place they live. The conditions of the place aren't very good yet they still may see it as "home" as peopl...