Media Theories For The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games Catching Fire 


Applying the Todorov theory of equilibrium, which states there are 3 main parts to a movie, the equilibrium(start of the movie) can be seen as everything is all good and normal as a life of a champion(wining the previous hunger games)The disequilibrium(the middle of the movie) is war breaking out in the districts while the characters have to go back to have the fight.The new equilibrium isn't shown in the trailer due to not wanting to tell the whole story even though
previous readers of the hunger games would know how it will end but would still enjoy seeing it only from the movie. 


The Propp characters theory can also be applied to the hunger games trailer. Propps theory on character suggests there are only a certain number/type of characters in most movies.The protagonist (hero) in the movie seems to be Katniss due to the fact that she is the stronger character on a mission to win the hunger games and protect her district, this helps to drive the narrative. The role of the Antagonist(villain) is fulfilled by the Capital and the people in power as they are the ones trying to compromise the hero's mission.The helper and fellow friend is Peeta as he is almost her sidekick.The mentor is Hamidge as he acts like the trainer and advises her throughout the trailer(and movie) .These chatacter types help to establish the movies narrative and understand the main important relationships,between the characters, with only the trailer. 

Bathes:Enigma Codes and Action Codes

The Hunger Games trailer has lots of barthes' enigma and action codes.These are to draw the audience as well as to encourage them to answer the questions an audience creates and having to watch the movie to the end in order to resolve the question. The biggest enigma codes of the movie are going to revolve around who wins and what happens because of the protests.Other enigma codes include;Katniss looking into the distance,burning the flag, trucks going somewhere and diving into the water. The action codes are really important in these types of fantasy and action movies.Therefore many things such as; the protests, burning, fights, invasions and wiping the Peeta are the action codes put into place. 


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