TV News Case Study 2: BBC News At Six

Basic details

  1. What do the letters BBC stand for? British Broadcasting Corporation
  2. How is the BBC funded?public service broadcasting. publicly-funded
  3. What is the BBC's famous mission statement? (Clue: it's three words)inform, educate and entertain
  4. What is BBC1's programme remit? BBC One's remit is to be the BBC's most popular mixed-genre television service across the UK, offering a wide range of high quality programmes
  5. How does the BBC News at Six fit into BBC1's remit? It covers a wide range of types of news stories and are of a high quality.


  1. Who are the presenters of BBC News at Six? Fiona Bruce, Sophie Raworth and Huw Edwards
  2. What are the presenters wearing? What does this communicate to the audience? They are wearing very formal and smart suits. This shows that they are talking about subjects of vast importance and it is extremely serious.This also makes them seem more professional so the audience is more likely to give importance to and trust them
  3. Why might a TV News programme use a variety of presenters?To reflect the diversity of the country.
  4. How are other reporters or presenters used in the TV news programme? in the same way - like they have power and importance.
  5. Is there a balance between male and female presenters? What about race/ethnicity? What effect might these aspects have on an audience? yes, makes them more trusting towards them as they feel more accepted.

Opening sequence
Analyse the opening 2 minutes of the programme.

  1. What is the very first shot? The presenter behind the desk.
  2. How does the opening sequence use graphics or images to grab the attention of the audience? The red attracts the audiences attention as it stands out and the fast pace into the story forces the audience to quickly listen as it feels important.
  3. How is music used in the opening sequence? The music used sounds like a heartbeat and is pretty fast paced. This makes it seem urgent and serious quickly turning the audiences attention.
  4. How are news stories introduced in the opening two minutes? Is there just one story or are the audience told what will be coming up later? tax losses, Britain's future, paedophile ring, immigrants, pm campaign trial, theft. Sports. The first two minutes the audience are presented with the up coming news stories.

Studio mise-en-scene

  1. What aspects of the studio can be seen by the audience?
  2. Are the presenters standing or behind desks? Why do you think this is?Behind desks to show importance and superiority so the audience is more trusting and understanding of the given facts.One is standing up to make it seem slightly more casual.
  3. Are journalists or technology visible? What might these things suggest to the audience? Yes, this to to reflect to the audience how up to date they are with what is going on around them and attract a slightly younger audience.
  4. How does the studio use colour? red, white and black to add a modern and urgent feel to the show. Almost reflecting how clean cut it is and that's how they want there given information to be viewed as.

How news stories are presented

  1. How does the news programme typically present a story? The basic information is given and then in further detail. They then go to the professional editor with further detail. They then give public opinion and more detail with the presenter. Then it gives an interview.
  2. What difference techniques does the programme use to present the news? (E.g. presenter to camera, reporter on location, interviews, graphics, images, video etc.) They give a variety of techniques ranging from presenter to camera, reporter on scene to interview and voiced over graphics.
  3. What types of news does the TV News programme typically cover? Give five examples (e.g. politics, international, sport etc.) sport, politics, world news(e.g. wars), economics and local area.
  4. Give two real examples of how news stories are presented to keep the interest of the audience. The "Parent of Ashya King arrested" news story had a lot of coverage with a lot of through detail which kept the audience waiting for more information. The Syria war coverage also does the same thing.

Running order
  1. What is the top story? Tesco pre-tax loss.
  2. How long does the top story last for? 5 minutes
  3. What are the other stories the programme does or will cover? List them in the order they are presented in (the ‘running order’). Paedophile ring, migrants who made it to Italy, Pm campaign, jewellery theft. Sport- West-Indies and England match.
  4. How long is each story shown for? around 2-5 minutes each
  5. Why do you think each story was shown for the time it was? To complete covering the context of each news story.


  1. What is the target audience for this BBC News at Six? Research online – you should be able to find plenty of suggestions to the target audience if not the official target audience of the programme.The target audience for BBC News is meant to be very wide spread. They try to target everyone who pay for their licence(which is the money that helps run the organisation). They try to target the diverse community within the UK also for this reason.

    However despite this the audience seems to be mostly young-senior citizens of the UK who have an interest of current affairs and world news.

    The rough percentage of this would be 90% people past the age of 17 and 10% below. 
    However the parentage of the young people watching BBC News may be increasing due to the fact that BBC News is available on platforms other than TV which are much more convenient for a young audience.
  2. What are the viewing figures for BBC News at Six? On average it pulls in 4 million viewers
  3. Why might someone choose to watch this TV news programme over others? It gives in-depth information in a formal and factual format.
  4. Is there an opportunity for the audience to get involved in the programme or comment? Yes, through social networking sites like twitter.
  5. What audience pleasures (Uses and Gratifications theory – Blumler and Katz) does the programme offer? It offers information, personal identification.


  1. What other news programmes and services does the BBC offer in addition to the BBC News at Six? BBC NEWS, BBC1, BBC2, BBC3, BBC4.
  2. What role does OFCOM have in making sure TV News is fair and accurate? It uses the BBC trust making sure they are being fair and representing the community, unique and is factual.

TV News and New/Digital Media

  1. Does the TV News programme have a dedicated website?Yes(but as BBC news)
  2. What does the website offer viewers? Articles, different news stories, topics, video clips and catch up.
  3. Does the TV News programme have a Twitter feed? yes
  4. How does the Twitter feed promote the programme? highlights topic areas that are going to discussed.
  5. Is there an opportunity for the audience to get involved in the programme or submit news stories? yes, via social networking sites.


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