Case study 3: news stories covering start of General Election campaign 2015

On Monday 30 March, David Cameron dissolved Parliament to spark the start of the 2015 General Election campaign. This was reported by every major TV News programme but they took slightly different angles on the same story.

Testing what you've learned...

1) What is the angle of a news story?

An angle of a news story is the perspective that the news provider takes on certain advents. An example of this is Sky news sympathising with the conservative party, ignoring other parties(not presenting them much)

2) What is the difference between tabloid and broadsheet news coverage?

A tabloid is less serious while it focuses on things like celebs and sports. Broadsheet are have much more serious news, e.g.. politics, economics and international news.

3) What would be an example of a tabloid-style TV news programme?

An example of a tabloid-style TV news programme is Channel Four news. 

4) What would be an example of a broadsheet-style TV news programme?

An example of a broadsheet-style TV news programme is BBC News.

5) What is the difference between international, national, regional and local news coverage?

International news is world news, National news is news that is (in our case) UK wide. Regional news is news that is covered for the area e.g., London and Scotland. Local news is news that is only about the surrounding are e.g.. west London, leads and Edinburgh.

The following task is about the election coverage by each of the programmes

1) Is this international, national, regional or local news? How can you tell? 

The election story is National news as it is about the whole of the UK.

2) What angle does the report take on the story?

The programme tries to give a balance by showing both David Camrons opinions and Ed Millibands as well as the other parties. 

3) Is this more tabloid or broadsheet-style coverage?

This is therefore a broadsheet-style coverage.

4) What kind of audience would you expect to watch this type of TV news programme? Why?

I would expect the audience to be be 24+ as its focusing on politics (which only 18+ can vote for) and would be of mixed classes and backgrounds as it looks at all parties that different kind of individuals would support. 

Sky News election story(using notes)

1) Is this international, national, regional or local news? How can you tell?

This was a national news story as it talked about the UK in general.

2) What angle does the report take on the story?

The programme takes a pro-David Cameron view(most likely because they are a private company that benefits from consecutive more than other parties) 

3) Is this more tabloid or broadsheet-style coverage?

 Its more of a broadsheet-style news story as it was fairly serious and gave facts however it was sort of in a tabloid style as it took a more bias view point. 

4) What kind of audience would you expect to watch this type of TV news programme? Why?

 I would expect a 23-40 year old audience that are of a higher class. This is because the news has a slightly entertaining and clean cut way of presenting their news which is appealing to a younger target audience. I believe it is for people of a higher class as the views the news story, often, takes favour the higher classes rather than the lower working classes. 

1) Is this international, national, regional or local news? How can you tell? Local/regional 

It is more of a local and regional coverage because they talk more about just one area.

2) What angle does the report take on the story? 

It takes a more local view on the story looking and how it will affect the region more than the nation. 

3) Is this more tabloid or broadsheet-style coverage?

The coverage is still broadsheet-style but it focuses more on local news.

4) What kind of audience would you expect to watch this type of TV news programme? Why?

The type of audience to watch this news are most likely to be local Scottish citizens and they would expect to see news that focuses on local news more than other news and expect a more local view to be taken of the news stories e.g. expresses their affects on the area.

1) Is this international, national, regional or local news? How can you tell?

This is more of a national news style. This is because they talk about the nation as a whole. 
2) What angle does the report take on the story?

The angle taken is more of one of criticism with a small bit of humour - yet it is still informative.  

3) Is this more tabloid or broadsheet-style coverage?

This is more of a tabloid style coverage as they take a less (than other news programs) serious approach to the news stories. 

4) What kind of audience would you expect to watch this type of TV news programme? Why?

The audience I expect to watch this kind of news are people around 19-34 years of age. This is because of the angle that the news takes, a less formal and overly informative, appears more appealing to a younger audience. They are also likely to be working class/in education due to its investigative style and the timings in which it comes. 


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