Film Posters And Trailers - Frozen

Film Poster
Key concepts and themes of the movie are displayed in both the trailer and poster.The scenery of ice is constantly shown in both ways of marketing. The theme of ice is in synergy with the title "frozen". The way the word frozen is written in novelty font seems to look like it is carved by ice yet remaining magical, like Disney, at the same time.The fact that reindeer is running in the poster suggests that the movie is mainly fast pased. This is likely to attract a young audience as too much meaning and over compicating a movie is unappeling to a young audience.There are two girls but also 3 male characters, this mix of genre on the poster suggests a less girly movie, which is somewhat largerly what disney is about.The gender mix helps to appel to a male audience who want to see fast adverntourous stories.(the trialer suggests a fast story).
The main character is shown on the left side of the poster. The way she is looking at the camera suggests a playful sort of manner to the audience. She seems to be playing with 'magic'. The playfulness of the character may attract an audience who like to see a bit of trouble and jokes in a movie. The fact that there is magic attracts an audience who like fantasy films.

It tells the audience that the movie is by the creators of tangled and wreck-it Ralph suggests that they are trying to appeal to the audiences who liked the movies and are trying to show they are as going to be as good as those movies(which most likely had a positive response)This suggests another way an audience may already be loyal the the movie.
The fact that the central image is just mainly a blue dress shows the ice, the main theme and concept.The fact that there isn't actually a real central image suggests that the trailers may focus more on the characters and the poster on portraying roughly what the films about.
The Secondary images show two animal like characters, a snowman and reindeer,that are typically in all animated movies and are normally the very sweet funny characters.The movie therefore appeals to an audience who like humour. 
Disney's logo and the title of the movie are in the centre suggesting that the brand and movie already has a huge reputation and a large fan following.This also attracts the previous fan following of Disney and could reflect the strength and trust in the marketing done prior/during the movie poster.
Film Trailer

Film trailers: key conventions

The trailer opens with disneys logo, it also has text says disney presents,creators of tangled.These are the references to the institution and they seem quiet grand, as in a way to express that its diseny like its always been, attracting audiences of previous disney films.
The largley humourous characters, the reindeer and olaf, are introduced in a funny way as to almost immidatly express they are humourous characters.This reference is likely to attract an audience who like funny films and males, who typically like humourous films over fantasy and romantic films. The start of the trailer narrates the main concept of the movie, the storyline, which doesn't give too much away but expresses suspence and adventur a great deal.

Near the end more dramatic scenes of the film are shown in a way so it sticks with the audience the longest and then just cut to the title of the movie.This could be a way to suggests the excitment of the whole movie and all that is going on. This attracts the more action and adventour loving audeinces.

The on screen texts were mainly expressing Disney in the begining. The key themes of the movie started to show like, "magic,adventure,music,".These showed the audience that key themes and attracts the audiences who seem to like these types of qualities.

Music that communicates genre and ‘feel’ of film sounds icy,windy,cold yet strangely warm.This suggests that the theme is going to be cold however it will have some heart warming moments throughout.


Dialogue is shown in the trailer that highlights the key turning points and clarifies,to the viewer,whats going on.The sence of presence instantly makes them feel more attached.

Sound effects in the movie are as if wind is blowing, ice is forming, all of these things that reflect the theme of winter.

Music changes twice in the trialer. Once it shows the theme and the warmness of the movie and then the main song that presents the movie starts to play reflecting the inner emotion and message of the film as well as showing of the music thats going to be in the film.

Diegetic and non-diegetic sound

Diegetic sound is constantly played in the trailer to help us to connect by diologe.The ohs,and awhs as also shown to us in a way for us to understand the sudden emotion currenty playing in the scene as we dont know fully whats going on, this makes the viewer what to watch the movie to truly understand why those reactions were given aswell as attracting an audience who interpret the shounds with a theme they love to watch.
The Non-diegetic sound helps us to understand the feel of the movie.


The animations seem to be mainly lovings and happy expressions suggesting the movie is funny and sweet attracting the audience, like females, to come and watch it.


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