Analysing Genre

Hunger Games Mockingjay 


Science Fiction


The storyline is shown in a way that if you watch the hunger games you are more likely to understand and connect however anyone can understand the main concept even if you don't.We can see the main theme of a sort of war going on between two sides.This narrative is tense, dramatic and futuristic which fits the science fiction genre very well.


The characters are the typical ones used in nearly all Science Fiction movies. Main character who is strong,different and heroic. The other main character who is also strong and helps the main character through all sorts of hell and the sad helpless side, who is the rest of district 12 in this case.


These are the things like; the airship, futuristic technology, the main mission, weapons, odd weather, flashing lights, destruction etc. All of these are typical for a sci-fi movie.


In the short time the trailer is played, we can understand its in a futuristic area with a war zone going on, we can clearly see its meant to be a way to represent futuristic chaos in a way.

The decent 




The storyline is shown clearly, a group of female friends go on an adventure and end up in a huge problem.We can see the main theme of a fear, suspense and horror being created.This narrative is tense, dramatic and graphic which fits the horror genre very well.


The characters are the typical ones used in all horror movies. The character who is strong,different and heroic. The one who is smart and tries to think rationally and the one who is most likely to put their life at risk for another character.


These are the things like; blood, monsters, screaming, hallucinations,dark, suspense, adventure,tension, abandoned places. All of these are typical for a horror movie.


We can understand its dangerous as its an abandoned place were its mostly dark so you cant catch what's going on and have to think rationally about it, even when the audience knows exactly what it is.

Dispicable me 2 


Animated comedy film


The storyline is shown as another adventure with the minions and Mr Gru. You can see the main theme of a adventure.This narrative is funny, simple, cute and adventurous fitting the animated comedy genre very well.


The characters are the typical animated comedy characters. The character who is slightly stuipd,funny, awkward. The one other cartoon like things to cause more humour, developing the animated side to it.


These are the things like; silly jokes, funny characters,unrealistic stunts, funny names, exagerated features. All of these are typical for an animated comedy movie.


Clean cut, colourful and slightly unrealistic places with a few exagerated concepts (e.g houses that are slightly too small but have a huge inside etc.) These add to the setting of an animated(comedy) film.


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