Learner Response; Summer Project

Mr Matthew's Response

WWW: Outstanding detail given to the content of the news programme and the stories within it.

EBI: you really pushed yourself to say something about the potential political leanings of each news programme.

LR: Find out if the news programmes you saw are likely to present the news in a certain way (research their political bias) - post the results and see if it makes the order of the stories they published any more interesting.

Learner Response

Most news channels are likely to have certain bias political views, if there aren't a lot there is almost a guarantee for at least a little. I strongly believe this as, due to our human nature, everyone has their own views in certain areas so when the reporters develop a story they may just be bias, be that consciously or unconsciously.

BBC Reporters are all said to have bias political views influencing their decisions and reporting techniques. These statements are strongly supported but also contradicted by various sources of news and information.

The Daily Mail once claimed,in 2006, that Andew Marr stated, "The BBC is not impartial or neutral. It's a publicly funded, urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people. It has a liberal bias not so much a party-political bias. It is better expressed as a cultural liberal bias"

Obviously we have the BBC and otheres rejecting all these clamims with verious statments such as,the culture secetary saying,"their mommitment to independednt jounlism comes before any political affliration".

The BBC has also been accused of yielding to political pressure since the last election and allowing a right-wing bias(A right-wing person or group that has conservative or capitalist views) to emerge in its journalism. This statment is encouraged by Professor Lewis, "The most plausible hypothesis is that tge BBC has, under pressure, been pushed to the right".However there was a poll taken recently that members of the publice belived that the BBC favoured the left(A Left-wing bias is people or a group who have political ideads that are based on socalism)
Due to the fact the BBC is a channel payed for by TV Licence money by the public they are very likely to have strong links to and which the current governement as thats where they are mainly funded from. They are strongely unlikely to go against the governemnt at any cause in fear of a certain report putting at stake their chances to air.This could of been encouraged recently more as Mr Hunt had reveled to the Daily telegrapgh,in the summer, that he was concidering to cut the BBC licence fee- I strongely believe this could put more fear into the bbc recently casuing them to be bias. Therefore i personally believe they do have a right-wing bias due to the current governement.



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