Shots Analysis
Shot One

What we can see in the shot is a Medium close up. The shot shows us the police all in one shot which helps to elaborate on how many officers are there and as it's a close up they help to show us how they are feeling and how important this chase is for them. What we can infer from the pictures close up is that the police are very serious about their case as they maybe losing their target and can foresee the negative effect or conclusion that may occur because of their target getting away. The way they're structured whilst standing may help the audience understand that the case is very important for the police and how much training they may have had to do with this situation.
Shot Two

Shot Three
The shot we see above is a close up shot of the character. The close up of the persons face gives the audience a strong sence of how the character maybe feeling causing the audience to be able to interpret the emotions through the facial expressions of the male. When a close ups taken the audience immediately releases they must understand how the character is feeling and reacting to the given situation aswell as causing the audience to feel close to and identifying with the given character within the shot.
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