Camera Shots

We were set the task to go and take photos showing a story line. We needed to take 7 different types of shots and needed 10 pictures overall to show the story line.

The story line we chose to show was of a person wating on top of the stairs,at a school, for another person who was going to meet up with them and sell them drugs.These are the 3 different shots we used and why we did them as well as the affect they have on the viewer.

Shot One;
Birds eye view- This shot was taken like this to express the idea of someone(person 2)  waiting for another person(person 1) and seeing them come into view.
This shows that person 2 is already at the destination and is looking down on person 1 who is currently making their way to the destination.
The distance between the characters is expressed through this spacing difference and shows how egerly person two is waiting for person one to reach the destination.

Shot Two ;

 Over the shoulder shot- This shot is used to show the audience how the person(1) is begin viewed by person(2). This shot gives us a scense of being at the scene as well as giving us a clear indication of how the character in view is feeling through the facial expressions that come into view.
Shot 3;
Close up - Close up of the hands passing the money to on another helps to inform the aduence what is being excganged helping them to understand what is going on in a clearer way. The shot may also hightlighting the fact of how important the exchange is.


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